19 research outputs found

    Frequency distribution of Log (LD<sub>50</sub>) in the <i>T</i>. <i>infestans</i> studied populations (n = 141).

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    <p>The value Log (LD<sub>50</sub>) = 2.6 (equivalent to 13.6 ng a.i./insect) is the threshold value that best separates the two subpopulations.</p

    Geographic distribution of the 222 <i>T</i>. <i>infestans</i> populations evaluated for susceptibility to pyrethroids.

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    <p>Red circles: populations identified as resistant by PAHO and WHO criteria (RR<sub>50</sub>> 5 or mortality DD <80%); blue circles: populations identified as susceptible by PAHO and WHO criteria (RR<sub>50</sub> < 5 or mortality DD > 80%).</p

    Number of <i>T</i>. <i>infestans</i> populations studied for pyrethroid resistance according to each criterion (response variable) for resistance evaluation in triatomines.

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    <p>Number of <i>T</i>. <i>infestans</i> populations studied for pyrethroid resistance according to each criterion (response variable) for resistance evaluation in triatomines.</p

    Number of <i>Triatoma infestans</i> collected in intradomestic and peridomestic structures using active collection methods (March 2016).

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    <p>Number of <i>Triatoma infestans</i> collected in intradomestic and peridomestic structures using active collection methods (March 2016).</p

    Comparative statistics of estimated parameters of intra and peridomestic infestation and colonization between active (March 2016) and passive (February 2016) collection methods (n = 78 houses).

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    <p>Comparative statistics of estimated parameters of intra and peridomestic infestation and colonization between active (March 2016) and passive (February 2016) collection methods (n = 78 houses).</p

    Spatial distribution of high and low intradomestic infestation clusters of rural localities in the study area.

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    <p>High and low intradomestic infestation aggregations (red and blue, respectively). AVP, Ángel Vicente Peñaloza Department; RVP, Rosario Vera Peñaloza Department; SM, San Martín Department. A. Clusters within AVP, SM and RVP localities. B. Clusters within SM and RVP localities.</p

    Wald chi-square tests for sequentially adding terms to the Generalized estimating Equation (GEE) for infestation by <i>Triatoma infestans</i>.

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    <p>Wald chi-square tests for sequentially adding terms to the Generalized estimating Equation (GEE) for infestation by <i>Triatoma infestans</i>.</p

    Temporal variation of infestation by <i>Triatoma infestans</i> estimated by passive collection in each department.

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    <p>AVP, Ángel Vicente Peñaloza Department; RVP, Rosario Vera Peñaloza Department; SM, San Martín Department. Lines over the bars are standard deviations. Year 1 (data November 2014 and February 2015). Year 2 (data November 2015 and February 2016). Year 3 (data November 2016 and February 2017).</p

    Infestation and colonization by <i>Triatoma infestans</i> estimated by passive collection in Los Llanos, La Rioja.

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    <p>Infestation and colonization by <i>Triatoma infestans</i> estimated by passive collection in Los Llanos, La Rioja.</p